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Trading Algorithm

Developed a trading algorithm with the Binance API to execute trades automatically on Bitcoin. The system gets a prediction from a neural network I helped develop and automatically does buys and sells from multiple accounts. â€‹

Technologies used

  • Python

  • Binance API

  • Firebase

  • Cron Jobs


Asset Manger

Created a web application that monitors multiple accounts and their assets. The website tracks orders and displays them as well as the valuation history of the accounts.

Technologies used

  • Binance API

  • Firebase

  • Firestore database

  • Firebase Authentication

  • NoSQL

  • React.js

  • Node.js

  • Chart.js

  • CSS

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Bank Database with GUI

Designed and implemented a bank database with a user-friendly GUI. The project was built using JavaFX and SQL and had features such as account creation, deposit and withdrawal, and transaction history.

Technologies used

  • Spring Framework

  • SQL

  • Java

  • React.js

  • CSS

  • Maven



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ERC-20 Token

Created an ERC-20 token called $Based. The token had a tax system that made every transaction.

In June $Based hit $1 million market cap.

Technologies used

  • Solidity 

  • OpenZeppelin

  • Remix

  • EVM

  • Uniswap

  • React.js


Mortage data analysis

Was tasked with creating a GUI software that calculates the best time for clients out of a client list to refinance. The program checks the current rate using an API and runs it against the last locked rate. 

Technologies used

  • Python

  • PYQT

  • Pandas

  • Numpy

  • Excel

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NFT minter

Created an NFT minter web application that allowed users to connect their meta mask and pay for a unique NFT. Used a decentralized database to store the images and used solidity to create the ERC-721 NFT contract.

  • Solidity

  • Javascript

  • React.js

  • Node.js

  • Ethereum network

  • Metamask


Blockchain Pass System

Developed a secure blockchain pass system at Discord.  The system allowed users to mint a pass, and using Collebland allows them access to a private discord.


Technologies used

  • Solidity

  • EVM

  • React.js

  • Web3.js

  • CSS

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